Links & Resources

There is an overwhelming amount of material available online so we have selected some additional resources that may be of help to homeowners and small businesses. The list includes several of the state geological surveys.

US Geological Survey (USGS)
FEMA Earthquake Information
USGS Earthquake Project
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER)
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)
Did You Feel It? - report it!

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program for Northern California
USGS Recent Earthquake in CA & NV Epicenters Map
California Geological Survey
California Earthquake Authority
The Structural Engineers Association of California
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) Northern California
Southern California Earthquake Center
California Geological Survey (CGS)
Seismic Hazard Mapping Program
Landslide and Liquefaction Maps for Southern California
Southern California Shake Maps
California Office of Emergency Services
Southern California clickable fault map
California Geological Survey – Seismic Shaking Hazard Maps
Recent Earthquakes in Southern California
California Seismic Safety Commission
Emergency Survival Program (ESP)

Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Utah Geological Survey
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Tennessee Division of Geology
Center for Earthquake Research and Information, University of Memphis
South Carolina Geological Survey
Illinois State Geological Survey
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Idaho Geological Survey